
15 Things To Leave Off Your Resume

Things to leave off your resume. Why? Because they are either old resume rules or irrelevant and a waste of space. You want to make room for the important stuff by removing these 15 items from your resume.

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Applying Strategically and Networking

Most people think the first step to getting a new job is updating their resume and cover letter. The truth is before you can get to that, you need to have a goal and plan in mind for the types of jobs you are targeting. Once you have determined your career path objectives, do some research on the position, update your resume, network, and then start applying.

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Effective Interview Strategies

During an interview, the employer’s primary purpose is to collect information on a candidate to help them make the hiring decision. The candidate’s main goal should be to provide information that will make them the best-fit candidate.

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The Best Job-Board Sites

Once upon a time, candidates would check bulletin boards, word of mouth, or the local newspaper when searching for work. Once they found a job, they would mail, fax, or hand-deliver their resume. Human Resource professionals and Recruiters would sit at their desk and scan through paper resumes and cover letters.

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4 Simple Signs That You Should Quit Your Job

Most people spend most of their valuable waking hours at work. Most people spend more time with their coworkers than their friends and family. Have you ever heard the saying, "If you love your job, you will never have to work a day in your life"? Well, it is true. It is critical that you spend your time in the right company and pursuing the right opportunity. So, how do you know if it is time to quit your job?

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