Everything about Writing a Professional Level Resume

When it comes to job searching, your resume is often the first point of contact between you and a potential employer. It's essential to make a great first impression with a professional-level resume that showcases your skills, experience, and achievements effectively. However, crafting a winning resume can be a challenge. That's why we've put together this comprehensive guide on everything you need to know about writing a professional-level resume.

If you’re looking for executive resume writing services, you’ve come to the right place. This guide will be of great help.

Land the job you want!

Common Oversights During Resume Writing

During resume writing, many job seekers miss out on the opportunity to stand out to hiring managers. These problems can include things like:

  • Unclear or inconsistent formatting and layout
  • Poorly written or irrelevant job descriptions
  • Lack of specific achievements or accomplishments
  • Spelling or grammatical errors
  • Overuse of jargon or buzzwords
  • Failure to tailor the resume to the specific job or industry

These problems can make it difficult for job seekers to communicate their skills and experience. This results in their resume being overlooked.


How professional resume writing services can solve these problems

Professional resume writing services can help job seekers create a resume that stands out to hiring managers. These services offer a range of benefits, including:

  • Expertise in writing and formatting resumes that are tailored to specific job titles and industries
  • In-depth knowledge of what hiring managers are looking for in resumes
  • The ability to identify and highlight specific achievements and accomplishments that demonstrate a job seeker’s skills and experience
  • A focus on using clear, concise language that communicates a job seeker’s value proposition effectively
  • Assistance with proofreading and editing to ensure that the resume is error-free and attention-grabbing

By working with resume services online , job seekers can increase their chances of getting noticed by hiring managers and landing the job they want.


Proofreading a resume for maximum attention

Once a resume has been formatted, proofread it carefully to ensure that it's error-free and enticing. This is a critical step in the resume-writing process. Even small errors can cause a hiring manager to move on to the next candidate.

Some tips for proofreading a resume for maximum attention include:

  • Reading the resume out loud to catch errors or awkward phrasing
  • Checking for spelling and grammatical errors using a tool like Grammarly or Hemingway Editor
  • Ensuring that the formatting and layout are consistent and easy to read
  • Checking that job descriptions and accomplishments are specific, measurable, and relevant to the job in question
  • Using strong action verbs and avoiding passive language

By proofreading a resume carefully, job seekers can ensure that they're presenting themselves in the best possible light to potential employers.

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How a Professional Resume Matters for Job Search

On average, the time spent on a resume can be as little as 5 seconds. Resumes need a compelling reason for the reader to stay on your resume and not click to another. NimoHR will read, review, and revise your resume with a recruiter's eye to schedule that critical interview. Your resume is an integral part of a job search.

The Undeniable Importance of a Strong Resume in Job Search Success

Your resume is often the first impression you make on a potential employer. It can make or break your chances of landing an interview, let alone getting the job. Here are some points that explain why a strong resume is so important.

Don’t let it get passed by.
NimoHR Will
  • Create a summary statement with a value
  • Review old descriptions in your background and revise to maximize the impact
  • Include new skills, achievements, certifications, and job responsibilities with keywords that will get results
  • Tweak the format for readability
  • Will add keywords that will get your resume past the Application Tracking System (ATS)
  • Formate it to stand out


How HR and Hiring Managers Review Resumes

As a job seeker, it's important to understand how HR and hiring managers review resumes. By knowing what they're looking for and how they evaluate resumes, you can create a stronger and more effective resume.

  • Applicant Tracking Systems: Many companies use applicant tracking systems (ATS) to screen resumes before they even reach human eyes. ATS scans resumes for relevant keywords and filters out those that don’t meet the requirements of the job posting.
  • Skimming Resumes: Once a resume makes it through the ATS, HR and hiring managers typically spend only a few seconds scanning the document. They look for relevant skills, experience, and achievements that match the requirements of the job.
  • Education and Certifications: Education and certifications can be important factors in the hiring process. HR and hiring managers look for relevant degrees, certifications, and training that are required or preferred for the job.
  • Work Experience: Work experience is a critical component of most resumes. HR and hiring managers look for relevant work experience that demonstrates the skills and abilities required for the job.
  • Accomplishments: Accomplishments can help set candidates apart from others. HR and hiring managers look for specific achievements and results that demonstrate the candidate’s abilities and potential value to the company.
  • Professionalism: HR and hiring managers also evaluate the professionalism of the resume. They look for a clean, easy-to-read format, correct grammar and spelling, and appropriate language.

By understanding how HR managers evaluate resumes, job seekers can create stronger and more effective resumes that stand out from the crowd.

Including relevant keywords, highlighting relevant education and work experience, and showcasing accomplishments are just a few ways to create a strong resume that catches the attention of HR and hiring managers.

How to Make A Professional Resume that Gets the Job?

Here’s what professional online resume writing services focus on. Making a professional resume is not difficult if you know what areas to focus on.

Basic elements & guidelines of an effective resume

When it comes to crafting an effective resume, there are several key elements and guidelines to keep in mind. Here are some of the basic elements that every strong resume should include:

  • Contact Information – Include your name, phone number, email address, and LinkedIn profile URL.
  • Professional Summary – A brief statement summarizing your experience and what you bring to the table.
  • Work Experience – A list of your previous jobs, including job title, company name, dates of employment, and key responsibilities and achievements.
  • Education – List your educational qualifications, including the name of the school, the degree earned, and the date of graduation.
  • Skills – Include a section outlining your relevant skills, such as software proficiency or language fluency.
  • Accomplishments – Highlight your accomplishments in previous roles, such as exceeding sales targets or implementing successful projects.
Here are some additional guidelines to keep in mind when crafting your resume:
  • Keep it concise – Hiring managers often receive many resumes, so keep your resume concise and focused on your most relevant experiences.
  • Use bullet points – Use bullet points to make it easy for hiring managers to quickly scan your resume and pick out your key skills and achievements.
  • Use keywords – Use industry-specific keywords throughout your resume to make it easily searchable by applicant tracking systems.

By following these basic elements and guidelines, you can create an effective resume that will catch the attention of hiring managers and land you an interview.

Best practices for formatting and layout

While the content of your resume is important, the formatting and layout can also play a crucial role in catching the attention of hiring managers. Here are some best practices for formatting and layout that you should keep in mind:

  • Use a clean and simple design – Avoid cluttered or complicated designs that can be difficult to read.
  • Use a readable font – Use a standard, readable font such as Times New Roman or Arial, and make sure the font size is easy to read.
  • Use white space – Leave some white space on your resume to make it easier to read and navigate.
  • Use bullet points – Use bullet points to highlight your skills and achievements and make your resume easy to scan.
  • Use consistent formatting – Be consistent in your use of formatting, such as bolding or italicizing job titles or company names.
  • Use color sparingly – Use color sparingly and only for headings or to highlight important information.

By following these best practices for formatting and layout, you can ensure that your resume is visually appealing, easy to read, and stands out from the crowd.Regenerate response

Strategies for Showcasing Skills and Achievements

When it comes to writing a resume, it's not just about listing your job experience and education. You also need to showcase your skills and achievements in a way that catches the attention of potential employers. Here are some strategies for showcasing your skills and achievements:

  • Use action verbs – Use strong action verbs to describe your achievements, such as “created,” “managed,” or “achieved.”
  • Quantify your achievements – Use numbers and statistics to quantify your achievements, such as “increased sales by 20%” or “managed a team of 10 employees.”
  • Tailor your resume to the job description – Make sure to highlight the skills and achievements that are most relevant to the job you’re applying for.
  • Use specific examples – Use specific examples to demonstrate your skills and achievements, such as “created a successful marketing campaign that generated $100,000 in revenue.”
  • Focus on results – Instead of just listing your job duties, focus on the results you achieved in each role.

By using these strategies to showcase your skills and achievements, you can create a resume that stands out to potential employers and increases your chances of getting hired.

Is a Cover Letter Necessary?

It is generally a good idea to include a cover letter with your resume. A cover letter is an opportunity to introduce yourself and explain why you're interested in the position. .

  • It allows you to highlight your relevant skills and experience.
  • A well-written cover letter can help you stand out from other candidates.
  • Including a cover letter shows that you have put in the effort to tailor your application to the job you are applying for.
  • It can help you make a positive first impression on the employer.

However, there may be cases where a cover letter is not necessary, such as when the employer explicitly states that they do not want one or when you're submitting your application through an online system that doesn't provide an option to upload a cover letter.

How to write an effective resume for different industries

When it comes to writing a resume, different industries have different expectations and requirements. Here are some tips for writing an effective resume for different industries:

  • Technology Industry – Highlight your technical skills and include any certifications or training you have received. Use specific examples of how you have implemented technology to solve problems.
  • Creative Industry – Showcase your portfolio and highlight your creativity. Use a visually appealing format and include any relevant experience or education.
  • Finance Industry – Emphasize your attention to detail and accuracy. Use specific examples of how you have improved financial processes or saved money for previous employers.
  • Healthcare Industry – Emphasize your clinical skills and certifications. Use specific examples of how you have improved patient outcomes or implemented new healthcare practices.
  • Education Industry – Highlight your teaching experience and any relevant certifications or training. Use specific examples of how you have improved student outcomes or implemented new teaching strategies.

By tailoring your resume to the specific requirements of the industry you're applying for, you can increase your chances of getting noticed by potential employers and landing your dream job.

Best Practices to Write Resumes for Freshers & Experienced Candidates

For Freshers:

By following these best practices, both freshers and experienced job seekers can create resumes that showcase their skills and qualifications effectively. While freshers may need to emphasize education and transferable skills, experienced job seekers should focus on professional achievements and tailoring their resumes to the specific job they're applying for.

  • Emphasize education: Since freshers have limited professional experience, highlighting education can be an effective way to showcase your knowledge and expertise.
  • Focus on transferable skills: Even if you don’t have a lot of experience, you likely have skills that are transferable to the workplace, such as communication, problem-solving, and time management.
  • Use a functional or combination format: This type of format emphasizes skills and achievements rather than chronological work experience, making it a good choice for freshers.
  • Keep it concise: Stick to one page and use bullet points to make your resume easy to read.
For Experienced Job Seekers:

As an experienced job seeker, your resume should focus on your work experience and achievements. Here are some best practices to keep in mind:

  • Emphasize professional experience: Highlight your most recent and relevant work experience, using specific metrics and achievements to demonstrate your impact.
  • Use a reverse chronological format: This format puts your most recent experience first and shows career progression over time.
  • Tailor your resume to the job description: Use keywords from the job description to demonstrate that you have the skills and experience the employer is looking for.
  • Quantify your achievements: Use numbers and statistics to demonstrate the impact you’ve had in previous roles. For example, “Increased website traffic by 30% through SEO strategies” or “Managed a team of 10 employees and increased productivity by 25%.”
  • Keep it concise: Stick to two pages maximum and use bullet points to make your achievements and qualifications easy to read.

By following these best practices, both freshers and experienced job seekers can create resumes that showcase their skills and qualifications effectively. While freshers may need to emphasize education and transferable skills, experienced job seekers should focus on professional achievements and tailoring their resumes to the specific job they're applying for.

Key differences between writing a resume for experienced candidates and freshers.

Here are some key differences between resumes of freshers and experienced candidates:

Aspect Freshers Experienced Candidates
Emphasis Education and transferable skills Professional experience and achievements
Format Functional or combination Reverse chronological
Length One page maximum Two pages maximum
Quantification Limited metrics and achievements Specific metrics and achievements
Tailoring to Job Emphasizing relevant coursework, projects, or internships. Highlighting specific skills, experience and accomplishments for the role.

Freshers' resumes typically emphasize education and transferable skills since they have limited professional experience. Therefore, a functional or combination format that highlights skills and achievements rather than chronological work experience is often used. Freshers' resumes should be kept concise, with one page being the maximum length.

On the other hand, experienced candidates' resumes emphasize their professional experience and accomplishments, using specific metrics that demonstrate their impact. They highlight the most recent experience first and are tailored to the specific job they're applying for, using keywords from the job description. They can also include numbers and statistics. The length should be two pages maximum, use bullet points, and be easy to read.

How Professional Resume Writing Services Help

If you’re new to writing a resume, it may be a good idea to get help

Benefits of professional resume writing services for job search success

Professional resume writing services can offer a variety of benefits to job seekers who are looking to enhance their job search success. Here are some of the key advantages:

  • Expertise: Professional resume writers are trained and experienced in crafting resumes that are visually appealing, keyword optimized, and highlight the most important skills and experiences that match the job requirements. They know what employers are looking for in a candidate and can help to tailor the resume accordingly.
  • Time-saving: Writing a high-quality resume can take a lot of time and effort, especially if you are not familiar with the latest trends and best practices. Hiring a professional writer can save you time and help you to focus on other aspects of your job search.
  • Increased chances of getting noticed: A well-crafted resume can help you stand out from the crowd and get noticed by employers. Professional resume writers can help you to create a resume that is attention-grabbing and effectively communicates your value proposition.
  • Customization: A professional resume writer can work with you to customize your resume based on the specific job requirements and your unique skills and experiences. This can help to ensure that your resume is relevant and targeted to the job you are applying for
  • Confidence: Having a professionally written resume can boost your confidence and give you a sense of pride in your job search efforts. This can translate into a more positive and proactive approach to your job search, leading to better results.

Overall, professional resume writing services can be a valuable investment for job seekers who want to improve their chances of landing their dream job.

How a professionally written resume leads to more job offers

Here are some examples of how a professional resume can lead to job offers:

  • Increased visibility: A well-crafted resume can increase your visibility in the job market by showcasing your skills and experiences, and answering interview questions. This can result in more interview opportunities and ultimately, job offers.
  • Keyword optimization: Many employers use applicant tracking systems (ATS) to screen resumes for specific keywords and phrases. Professional resume writers can optimize your resume with relevant keywords, increasing the likelihood of your resume being selected by the ATS and ultimately, viewed by a human recruiter.
  • Improved first impression: A visually appealing and well-organized resume can make a strong first impression on potential employers, setting you apart from other candidates. This can pique the employer’s interest and lead to an invitation for an interview.
  • Emphasizing relevant experiences: Professional resume writers can help you to identify and emphasize your most relevant experiences and achievements, showcasing your unique value proposition to potential employers. This can make you a more attractive candidate and increase your chances of receiving job offers.
  • Clear and concise communication: A professional resume writer can help you to communicate your skills, experiences, and achievements in a clear and concise manner, making it easy for potential employers to understand your value proposition. This can help to build trust and confidence in your abilities and increase your chances of receiving job offers.

Overall, a professional resume can help you to stand out from the competition, showcase your value proposition, and increase your chances of receiving job offers

How to Choose a Professional Service for Resume Writing?

In today's competitive job market, having a well-written and professional resume can make all the difference. However, not everyone has the expertise or time to effectively showcases their skills and experience. This is where professional resume writing services come in. In this guide, we'll explore some key factors to consider when selecting the right professional resume improvement service for you.

Factors to consider when choosing a professional resume writing service

In today's competitive job market, a well-written resume can make all the difference in securing the job you desire. With so many professional resume writing services available, it can be challenging to choose the right one. But evaluate the service and ask to see samples of their work before you bite. Look out for -

  • Industry expertise: Choose a resume-writing service that specializes in your industry. Look for writers who have a deep understanding of your field and can tailor your resume with the right keywords to showcase your skills and achievements.
  • Writer credentials: Ensure that the resume writers have the appropriate credentials, such as Certified Professional Resume Writer (CPRW) or National Resume Writers’ Association (NRWA) certification. These credentials indicate that the writers have the necessary expertise to write compelling resumes.
  • Turnaround time: Consider the turnaround time for the resume writing service. Many job seekers need their resumes quickly, so it is essential to select a service that can deliver the finished product within a reasonable timeframe.
  • Cost: Price is a significant consideration for most job seekers. While you should not select a resume writing service based on price alone, it is important to find a service that offers value for money.
  • Customer reviews: Read customer reviews and testimonials to gauge the quality of the service. Look for reviews from individuals who have worked in your industry or who have similar career goals.

At NimoHR, we take pride in offering a comprehensive resume-writing service that caters to job seekers in all industries. Our team of experienced writers specializes in crafting resumes that highlight your skills and achievements, positioning you as the top candidate for the job.

Our turnaround time is quick, and we offer competitive pricing, making our service accessible to job seekers at all levels. Our customers' satisfaction is our top priority, and we have a track record of delivering high-quality resumes that get results. Choose NimoHR, and let us help you land your dream job.

Tips for evaluating the quality of a professional resume writing service

When it comes to choosing a professional resume writing service, there are several key factors to consider to ensure that you're getting a high-quality product that meets your needs. Here are some tips for evaluating the quality of a resume writing service::


  • Check their credentials: Look for a service with certified writers who have experience in the industry or profession you’re targeting. Check for credentials such as CPRW (Certified Professional Resume Writer) or NCRW (Nationally Certified Resume Writer).
  • Review their portfolio: Look for examples of the service’s work and review their portfolio to get a sense of their style and quality. Ensure that they have experience in your industry and can tailor the resume to your specific needs.
  • Ask for references: Ask the service for references from past clients to get an idea of their satisfaction levels. Reach out to these references and ask about their experience with the service, the quality of the resume, and whether they would recommend the service to others.
  • Consider their process: A good resume writing service should have a thorough process that involves asking you detailed questions about your skills, experience, and goals. They should also provide you with a draft of the resume for your review and feedback before finalizing the product.
  • Look for guarantees: A quality resume writing service should offer a guarantee that they will work with you until you are satisfied with the final product. They should also provide revisions at no additional cost.
  • Check their pricing:Be wary of services that offer extremely low prices, as they may not provide quality work. Look for a service with transparent pricing and a clear understanding of what is included in their package.
  • Consider their communication: A good resume-writing service should be responsive to your questions and concerns throughout the process. They should be easy to reach and provide clear timelines for completing the resume.
  • Look for additional services: A quality resume writing service may also offer additional services such as cover letter writing, LinkedIn profile optimization, or interview coaching. Consider these additional services if you need help with other aspects of your job search.

By evaluating these factors, you can ensure that you are choosing a professional resume-writing service that will provide you with a high-quality product that meets your needs. Remember to do your research and ask questions to ensure that you are making an informed decision.

Questions to ask before hiring a professional resume writing service

Before hiring a professional resume writing service, it's important to ask the right questions to ensure that you're choosing the right provider for your needs. Here are 10 important questions to ask before hiring a resume writing service:

  • What is your process for creating a resume?
  • What information do you need from me to create an effective resume?
  • Can you provide examples of resumes you have created for people in my industry?
  • How do you tailor resumes to specific job postings or industries?
  • What is your timeline for completing a resume?
  • How many revisions are included in your resume writing service?
  • Can you also provide a cover letter or LinkedIn profile optimization service?
  • What are your qualifications and credentials as a resume writer?
  • What is your pricing structure and what is included in each package?
  • Can you provide references or testimonials from past clients?

By asking these questions, you can get a better sense of the resume writing service's process, experience, and qualifications. This will help you make an informed decision and choose a provider who will create a high-quality resume that showcases your skills and experience effectively.

Frequently Asked Questions about Resume Writing Services

Our team of resume writers has extensive experience in the industry, with many of our writers holding certifications such as –

  • · MBA in Strategic Leadership
  • · PHR Certification
  • · SHRM Certification
  • · Human Resource Management Certification from Amberton University
  • · Fifteen years of HR experience, including recruitment

Yes, we can provide examples of resumes we’ve written for clients in a wide range of industries. Just let us know your industry, and we’ll be happy to provide relevant examples.

We start by sending our clients a questionnaire to gather basic information about their work history and skills. From there, we schedule a phone consultation to delve deeper into their experience and accomplishments. We also ask clients to provide any additional information or documentation, such as performance evaluations or job descriptions.

We have extensive experience in optimizing resumes for ATS, and we stay up-to-date with the latest industry best practices. Our writers use relevant keywords and formatting techniques to ensure that our clients’ resumes will get past the initial screening process.

Yes, we can customize your resume to target specific job postings or industries. Just let us know what job or industry you’re targeting, and we’ll tailor your resume accordingly.

Our resume writing service includes unlimited revisions until you are completely satisfied with the final product. We want to ensure that you are completely satisfied with your new resume.

We typically deliver the first draft of your new resume within 3-5 business days of your phone consultation. However, if you need your resume sooner, we can often accommodate rush orders for an additional fee.

Yes, we offer a range of additional services to complement our resume writing service. These include cover letter writing, LinkedIn profile optimization, and interview coaching.

Many career services providers lack the necessary background to understand what employers are seeking, leading to a disconnect between their services and employer expectations.

However, at NimoHR, our team includes a Senior Human Resource professional with current, firsthand knowledge of what employers are seeking in resumes and interview strategies. As a full-time HR Manager with over 15 years of experience, we provide our clients with up-to-date and relevant guidance that helps bridge the gap between their qualifications and employer requirements.


We have additional resources that you can use to research the process of resume writing more.


Go through our blogs, and additional reading material to know exactly what you need to write a job-bagging resume.

Free Downloads

We have downloadable resources for you if you would like to go even more in depth.

Free Downloads

Your Career Worksheet (pdf)
Your Interviewing Worksheet (pdf)
Your Job Hunting Checklist (pdf)

Sometimes doing everything by yourself can be extremely stressful, especially when you have exhausted your energy looking for jobs that fit. Despite knowing everything about resume writing, you may be missing certain vital information in your resume that only a trained eye can see.

Let us come to your rescue and help you find just the job you’re looking for.

Hire an Experienced Professional Resume Writing Service: NimoHR

NimoHR is a professional resume writing service operated by a Senior Human Resource professional with over 15 years of experience in recruitment and HR management.

Our founder, Abby Nimoh, has an MBA in Strategic Leadership, PHR certification, and SHRM certification, making us a credible company to work with. She is a professional resume consultant with insider industry knowledge.

  • 100% remote service
  • assist clients anywhere in the US.
  • dedicated to helping clients land their dream job
  • increasing clients’ chances of success with custom-crafted resumes.

At NimoHR, we take pride in offering a comprehensive resume-writing service that caters to job seekers in all industries. Our team of experienced writers specializes in crafting resumes that highlight your skills and achievements, positioning you as the top candidate for the job.

Our turnaround time is quick, and we offer competitive pricing, making our service accessible to job seekers at all levels. Our customers' satisfaction is our top priority, and we have a track record of delivering high-quality resumes that get results. Choose NimoHR, and let us help you land your dream job.

Why Choose NimoHR

Custom Resume Service

Professional resume services online that are tailored to each client's unique needs and career goals

Inside Knowledge

Insider knowledge as a Senior Human Resource professional to ensure that all resumes and interview strategies are current and relevant

Quick Turnaround

Quick turnaround time of 3-5 business days, making our services ideal for those who need their resumes revised promptly.

How NimoHR is Different

NimoHR’s professional executive resume services and interview preparation services set us apart from everyone else.

Cover Letter

We write customized cover letters tailored to match job descriptions and skill sets.

Relevant Keywords

All the relevant keywords to your industry and job description are added strategically to pass ATS.

Industry Experience

As a former HR, we have experience across industries and backgrounds.

There is no reason not to delay getting that dream job. Let’s talk now and make change a reality with expert career change resume writing services.

Pricing Information and How to Orderr

LinkedIn Optimization- $49

Nearly 90% of recruiters use LinkedIn as a tool throughout recruitment. This is why it is imperative to create an online presence. Networking is also crucial. When you invest in your relationships, it can pay you back in dividends throughout your job-hunting journey and career.

Don’t get passed by.
NimoHR Will
  • Help you find a clear picture of your personal and professional goals, both the long-term and short-term goals
  • Create a search strategy based on those goals
  • Establish an online brand that will prepare you for the next steps
  • Provide networking techniques that will help you obtain leads, referrals, advice, information, and support
  • Increase the quality, structure, and content on your LinkedIn profile that will increase your page rankings to appear higher in search results, which in return leads to more exposure for potential jobs

Cover Letter- $49

A cover letter is your opportunity to explain yourself. It is the place to tackle things that cannot be fully addressed on your resume. It is essential to keep the cover letter upbeat, candid, and confident so the reader snaps out of their hiring stupor and wants to learn more.

Don’t let it get passed by.
NimoHR Will
  • Differentiate you from the rest
  • Use a unique approach like beginning with a quote, anecdote, success store, tag line, testimonial, branding statement, or blunt remark about your latest jaw-dropping accomplishment
  • Keep them interested
  • Cover letters can be as traditional or unorthodox as you’d like. Keeping the expectations of your industry and target audience intact.

Resume- $229 to $329

On average, the time spent on a resume can be as little as 5 seconds. Resumes need a compelling reason for the reader to stay on your resume and not click to another. NimoHR will read, review, and revise your resume with a recruiter's eye to schedule that critical interview. Your resume is an integral part of a job search.

Don’t let it get passed by.
NimoHR Will
  • Create a summary statement with a value
  • Review old descriptions in your background and revise to maximize the impact
  • Include new skills, achievements, certifications, and job responsibilities with keywords that will get results
  • Tweak the format for readability
  • Will add keywords that will get your resume past the Application Tracking System (ATS)
  • Formate it to stand out

Resume Pricing Structure

Entry Level Resume - $229

Less than five years of work experience. Entry-level resumes require expertise and knowledge to showcase education, life experience, passion, and potential. NimoHR will help you show prospective employers that you have what it takes to be a valued part of their team.

Med/Senior Level - $278

Mid to senior-level work experience. Whether you are striving for a promotion, relocating, or breaking into a different career field, a strong resume is essential. NimoHR’s executive resume writers will create a powerful resume highlighting accomplishments, results, and career progression that will get your foot in the door for interviews.

Interview Preparation- $79

You only have one chance to differentiate yourself from the other candidates. There is an "art" to the process of interviewing. This art is teachable. Once learned, it will provide you with quantifiable results.

Whether it's technical interviews or personal branding, we will help you with mock interviews.

Don’t get passed by.
NimoHR Will
  • Give you honest, immediate feedback on your responses, speaking manner, and body language so you can elevate your answers to the next level
  • Teach you how to anticipate and prepare for the questions you’ll face during the interview, including the challenging ones such as gaps in works experience, being fired, etc.
  • Advice on questions you shouldn’t ask and the questions you NEED to ask, including when to discuss compensation and best answers to salary questions to get the job offer and the salary you deserve
  • Show you how to “sell” yourself. Because let’s be honest, hiring managers want to hire someone they’ll enjoy working with

Our interview coaching service is bound to get you results. Our interview coaching service is bound to get you results. What are you waiting for? Get job interview advice now.


At the end of the day, job interview preparation and resume writing can be overwhelming tasks. But with the right guidance and support, you can create a professional-level resume and prepare for a successful job interview. Whether you're seeking interview advice, resume writing assistance, or a combination of both, plenty of interview preparation and career resume services are available to help you succeed.