

Helpful Tips For Writing A Perfect Cover Letter

While a resume summarizes your educational qualifications and professional experiences, a cover letter focuses on the job you are applying for by detailing how you can add value to that organization. NimoHR‘s cover letter writing service designs state-of-the-art cover letters to accompany your CV and help make your job application stand out among the competition. Keep reading this article to learn what goes into drafting the perfect cover letter and how it can give you an edge while applying for a job.

Meaning of a cover letter

A cover letter is a formal business letter acting as an accompanying document to your resume or CV. Nowadays, it has become an essential component of a job application. Usually comprising one page (approximately 250 to 400 words), a cover letter introduces you to your employer and is an overview of your qualifications and experiences. A well-drafted cover letter acts as an impetus for recruiters to continue reading your resume. Cover letter writers utilize each section to showcase your personality and explain what makes you the perfect candidate for the job.

What is the purpose of a cover letter?

A cover letter for resumes sets the tone of your job application. Here are the reasons why it is crucial to incorporate cover letters with your CV:

  •   A cover letter correlates your skills and experiences with the job description.
  •   It helps demonstrate your suitability for the job.
  •   It acts as a marketing tool highlighting your eligibility.
  •   It convinces recruiters to continue reading your resume.
  •   It focuses on your core skills and qualifications, indicating how you can add value to the firm.


What to include in a cover letter?

NimoHR is a premium resume and cover letter writing agency drafting comprehensive cover letters that establish a constructive link between your abilities and experiences. What are the key elements that need to be present in a cover letter for resumes? Read on to find out.

  •   Header

This section must contain your contact details (preferably on the left margin in block letters). Remember to mention your name, current residential address, and phone number. Include the date. Address the concerned contact person, along with their title and address.

  •   Greeting or salutation

Address the contact person appropriately. You can address the person as “Dear Prospective Employer” if no name is present.

  •   Body

Begin the opening paragraph by mentioning how you came across the position (through email, classified advertisement, or personal referral). In the next paragraph, specify why you are applying for the job. Highlight two or three of your significant achievements, background, and core (hard) skills to demonstrate your eligibility for the position. In the third paragraph, cite your soft skills (such as communication, motivation, and adaptability) to illustrate how you are the perfect candidate for the job.

  • Conclusion

In the concluding paragraph, concisely summarize how you can contribute to the firm and close by suggesting a follow-up call and details of where and how to contact you. Remember to thank the person you are writing to for considering your application. Sign off with a professional closing phrase and your typed name or signature.


What to omit in a cover letter?

A good cover letter writer knows how to draft the perfect opening document for your resume. However, a seasoned cover letter writer also knows what to avoid while framing one. At NimoHR, we have curated a list of things to omit when you write a cover letter to keep it crisp and to the point:

  •   Do not repeat or rehash the information already present in your resume.
  •   Refrain from using too many “I believe” and “I possess” statements. Instead, cite how you can add value to your employer’s organization.
  •   Avoid mentioning other job applications.
  •   Do not share extensive details about all the job positions you have held.
  •   Avoid sharing your struggle story or any negative comments regarding your previous employers.
  •   Do not go overboard with empty claims and flattery for the company.
  •   Do not add detailed personal information or salary expectations.
  •   Avoid typos and grammatical errors.


Top 10 suggestions for flawless cover letter writing

Although everything has become digital, including job hunts and employment-seeking applications, a cover letter and resume are still sought after by potential recruiters. Our qualified cover letter writers at NimoHR have listed ten valuable tips to follow while writing a cover letter for your resume, which are listed below:

1. Concentrate on the tone of the letter

A resume looks back at your experiences. However, focus your cover letter on the future. Use positive statements and action verbs, make the content jargon-free, convey enthusiasm without sounding desperate, and be authentic.

2. Keep the content crisp

Be specific and avoid fluff content and general statements. Do not go into too many details. Convey how your skills, qualities, and personality match your employer’s needs. Remember to add how you would contribute to the organization. Organize the content in a logical order to make it easily readable.

3. Make your opening paragraph stand out

Try to start with a punch line to grab the reader’s attention. Begin directly by citing your reason for applying for the job and add a sentence or two about your background that makes you a suitable applicant.

4. Research the company you are applying for

Do a diligent background check of the company. Carefully review the job advertisement, learn about the job description, and incorporate the key phrases and words into your cover letter. This activity will increase the chances of your application going past the applicant tracking system (ATS).

5. Emphasize how you can add value

Focus on the employer’s need for an employee rather than your need for the job. Indicate how your previous experience and qualifications can improve the firm’s current situation. Highlight your unique professional skills and establish yourself as a qualified applicant.

6. Use a few words for more impact

Remember, in a cover letter, less is more. Keep the sentences and paragraphs short and crisp. Use simple language and correct punctuation. Avoid beating around the bush and make every word count.

7. Utilize facts and figures to back your achievements

Provide examples and illustrations of how you have achieved specific goals mentioned in your resume. Quantify your accomplishments. For instance, instead of citing that you have “increased the sales”, say that you have “increased the sales by 30%”.

8. Request for feedback

Get your cover letter reviewed by friends, coworkers, experts, or other qualified people you trust. Ask them for their suggestions, and try to incorporate some constructive points and optimize the content.

9. Proofread and revise

Reread the cover letter several times. Check for spelling, formatting, and grammatical errors. Ensure the company and recipient’s names are correct.

10. Add a call-to-action (CTA)

While concluding the cover letter and before signing off, do not hesitate to add a CTA mentioning your contact information and stating that you look forward to the interview. Doing this imparts an aura of confidence and enthusiasm.

Creating an impactful first impression

In most situations, a cover letter is more effective than a resume in communicating your interest in the job listing. It acts as a filter for recruiters while shortlisting hundreds of applicants for a particular position. Therefore, a well-drafted cover letter, like your resume, should carry equal significance since it can distinguish you from all the prospective candidates.

Hire NimoHR‘s exemplary cover letter writing services and get a chance to impress your recruiters right from the beginning. By showcasing your unique skill set and expressing your enthusiasm about the position through this vital document, our experienced cover letter writers give you an edge over other applicants. Contact us today to own the perfect cover letter for your resume.

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