

4 Simple Signs That You Should Quit Your Job

Most people spend most of their valuable waking hours at work. Most people spend more time with their coworkers than their friends and family. Have you ever heard the saying, “If you love your job, you will never have to work a day in your life”? Well, it is true. It is critical that you spend your time in the right company and pursuing the right opportunity. So, how do you know if it is time to quit your job?

There are four straightforward signs that you should quit your job.

You do not care. Like you have lost your mojo to work.

Is this you?

Are you merely not motivated? Are you given a project with a deadline but have no sense of urgency to complete it? Do you find yourself a little bit snappier with customers or coworkers? I’m not talking about a bit of mood swing here and there; I’m talking about an everyday occurrence. If so, it is probably time to quit your job.

Or do you feel more tired at work than usual? Do you feel like hitting the snooze button or calling in sick more often? Don’t get it twisted; going to work is not always rainbows and unicorns. Most people do not wake up like an eager beaver to go to work, but it is probably because you are not motivated if your energy level is low. And then, it is perhaps time to quit your job.

You dread it. I mean, you really hate it.

Monday Blue
Is this you?

Around 6:00-ish pm on Sunday, the Sunday night work blues start to kick in. Do you begin to think, “ugh, I really don’t feel like going to work tomorrow”? My guess is you said, yes. Most people get the funks Sunday night. Why? Because let’s be honest, the weekends are more fun than the work weekdays. But it is time to quit your job when those Sunday night work blues start to feel more like anxiety and depression when it goes from kind of sort of dreading going to work to a full-blown freak-out mode.

Or how many times have you quit your job, in your head? Have you thought about an exit plan? Will you yell and scream, “I quit,” or will you leave will class and put in your two weeks’ notice? Either way, if you are thinking about it often, it is a pretty good sign that it’s time to quit your job.

When there is no room for growth.


Is this you?

Are you bored at work because you do the same thing repeatedly? Have you been cross-trained in everything possible? Are you the “go-to” person for literally everything? Are you not getting the promotion (compensation and title) that you deserve? If so, it is probably time to quit your job.

This one is tricky because it is easier said than done. It’s easy to get stuck in a job when we are comfortable with it. Generally, as humans, we like being in our comfort zone. But that is not growing. And if someone is not growing, they will most likely get burnt out. Not growing in your career is the first step to losing passion for your work.

The company is changing.

Newspaper Reading

Is this you?

Do you have a gut feeling something is up with the company? If you are worried about the company’s health, whether it’s for the bad (the company could possibly go under) or for good (the company gets acquired), it might be time to move on. Watch for clues like tighter budgets, a more complex approval process, or an increased number of upper management leaving (voluntary or involuntary).

If you have a clue that the company is in trouble, it may be time to leave before the company closes.

Or on the contrary, if the company is doing well, so well that the company may get acquired by another company or investors, it may be a time to leave. So why might it be an excellent time to go? Because when companies get acquired, the first thing they do is clean house. They look for redundancy and expenses that can be eliminated. Since employee salaries are often the most expensive item on a P & L statement, employees are also the first on the chopping block. Or they might want to do a reorganizational structure of the company. Now, if you are an A player on the team, you might not need to worry about this, and staying will be the best option for you, but if not, it might be a good time to get out before you are forced to.

Are you still having a hard time deciding? Do you need an outsider’s perspective? Feel free to contact NimoHR for information. NimoHR is happy to help you find your direction.

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